Symposium “Archival Digitalization, Conservation, and Accessibility for Schools of Architecture and Engineering” Held

Archival Digitalization

The University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Engineering held the symposium "Archival Digitalization, Conservation, and Accessibility for Schools of Architecture and Engineering" on March 24 and 25 at the University of Tokyo New York Office (UTokyoNY).

The symposium was attended by 25 researchers, archivists, and curators from Japan, Canada, Germany and the U.S., who shared and discussed their knowledge of architectural digital archiving.

Day01 keynote Barry Bergdoll(Columbia University)

Day01 Session02 Martien de Vletter(Canadian Centre for Architecture)

Day02 Session04 HIRANO Toshiki

The details of the symposium are introduced on the SEKISUI HOUSE - KUMA LAB website.