Event Report The 19th NY Icho-kai Annual Gathering

The NY Icho-kai (UTokyo Alumni Association) held its 19th Annual Gathering at the University of Tokyo New York Office (UTokyoNY) on October 15, 2021.

This year’s gathering, held in a hybrid format both at UTokyoNY and online, was attended by a total of about 90 people. Following the toast, President Fujii Teruo of the University of Tokyo and those who attended online were divided into breakout rooms to have a chat.

At the gathering, President Fujii gave welcoming remarks while representatives from Friends of UTokyo, Inc., and Ichio-kai who operate in New York reported on their activities. There was also a rendition of “Tadahitotsu,” the University of Tokyo song and a speech by President Yamaguchi of NY Icho-kai, who expressed his wish to enhance the activities so that the ties between the alumni in New York would be strengthened. The gathering ended in a great success.