"Aiming for a Fusion of Engineering and Medical Science -Activities and Prospects for the UTokyo New York Office"
The symposium "Aiming for a Fusion of Engineering and Medical Science - Activities and Prospects for the UTokyo New York Office" was held on Friday, Jan 20, 2017 at the Convention Hall of IIS in Tokyo, JAPAN, co-hosted by IIS and IMS in cooperation with the UTokyo New York Office.
The symposium was held to promote cooperation and interdisciplinary research in medical science and engineering between the two institutes as well as with overseas institutions utilizing the UTokyo New York Office. The latest activities of the office, both internal and external to the university, were also introduced to the audience.
After the opening address of Prof. Ken Furuya, Executive Vice President of The University of Tokyo, Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka (IMS) gave a lecture on "Flu-vision: total imaging systems for analyzing influenza virus infection", followed by Prof. Arinobu Tojo (IMS) on "Clinical Sequencing in Blood Disorders using AI and web tools", Project Prof. Tadatsugu Taniguchi (IIS) on "Studies on Inflammation and its Related Diseases, and the Current Status and Outlook for International Collaboration", and Prof. Kazuyuki Aihara (IIS) on "Evolving Mathematical Medical Science and its Future".
Prof. Ken Furuya, Executive Vice President of The University of Tokyo
Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka (IMS)
Prof. Arinobu Tojo (IMS)
Project Prof. Tadatsugu Taniguchi (IIS)
Prof. Kazuyuki Aihara (IIS)
In the second half of the symposium, two topics of studies, which have already been kicked off with the support of the UTokyo New York Office, were introduced. Dr. Kazuo Oki (IIS) lectured on "Development of Food Production Technology for Revitalizing Japanese Agriculture - Development with Lessons from Pecan Orchard in Arizona", followed by Prof. Hiroshi Kiyono (IMS) on "Development of Rice-based Oral Vaccine "MucoRice"".
Dr. Kazuo Oki (IIS)
Prof. Hiroshi Kiyono (IMS)
In the end, Dr. Yoshiho Ikeuchi (IIS) presented the profile of the UTokyo New York Office, and then, in the panel discussion, the directors and deputy directors of the institutes discussed their expectations for the office and, their outlook for the university's international deployment in the future. The symposium ended as a success with over 100 attendants, including those from industrial enterprises and other universities.
Dr. Yoshiho Ikeuchi (IIS)
Panel discussion by the directors and deputy directors of the institutes
Group Photo