IMSUT NY Seminar 2025~Cutting-edge medical science -from basic research to clinical applications-~

 IMSUT NY Seminar 2025



March 21 (Fri.) 17:00 – 20:05

Theme: Cutting-edge medical science -from basic research to clinical applications-


17:00-17:05 Opening remarks / Greeting from Dean of IMSUT

                                Makoto NAKANISHI, Dean of IMSUT


17:05-17:35 Molecular mechanism and physiological function of quality control to rescue ribosome collision,

a beacon for aberrant translation

Toshifumi INADA [IMSUT]


17:35-18:05 Molecular basis of anti-NMDA receptor autoimmune encephalitis

Hiro FURUKAWA [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory]


18:05-18:35 Promoting hematopoietic regeneration by manipulating the bone marrow niche



18:35-19:05 Hematopoietic stem cells through the ages: a lifetime of adaptation to organismal demands

Emmanuelle PASSEGUÈ [Columbia University Irving Medical Center]


19:05-19:35 Development of innovative regenerative therapies for liver disease using human iPS cells

           Hideki TANIGUCHI [IMSUT]


19:35-20:05 Paradigm shift in treatment of metastatic uveal melanoma

Takami SATO [Thomas Jefferson University]


             Closing remarks

    Toshifumi INADA [IMSUT]


20:10-21:10 Post-seminar discussion with refreshments and drinks